Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day two, Fairfield to Dunnigan, windy and hot

I couldn't sleep in this morning, no matter how hard I tried, so I managed to get off just around 9.  I was super tired after yesterday, and not getting in and having dinner til 10.  I knew I was super tired, when I started looking at the odometer about 10 miles into the day, and along one of most beautiful rides in the Bay Area--Pleasants Valley Road. 

The morning temps were nice, and by the time I got to Winters it was warming up.  The restaurant took forever, and I didn't push off after lunch until 1230.  The wind was picking up from the north (the direction I was headed) and it was a long flat slog (14 miles) to Esparto.  I was feeling a bit sick and dehydrated by then, so I did a five minute shut eye in the park, and drank a full bottle of water.  Since it was mile 35, I looked around to see if there was someplace to stay, nope, next stop had to be Dunnigan.

First amber waves of grain!

Windy, hot, and beautiful rolling hills for the next 19 miles.....I put one of the pics on Facebook, you can check it out there.  When I rolled out of the golden hills into the green valley, I could spy the motel, woohoo! 

The pool was great, dinner so-so, but Richard and Amy's chocolates capped off the day.

Early to bed tonight....

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