Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 12---staying in place is the hardest and requires patience

It blew, it blustered, and it hardly rained today, and I found myself second guessing my decision to stay here until the big set of winter style storms blew through.  Staying in place and patience are often difficult, made more so by the lack of cultural reinforcement.  We're always on the go, taking on the challenge, etc... and I'm as prone to that as anyone.  So today was a good lesson, on a long trip, that forging ahead is not always the best strategy.

Having said that, it was a blue day too, since it was too cold for the pool, and I didn't really get any exercise.  I'm suffering endorphin withdrawal, and the lack of company, and it seems too soon to be having a low point on the trip.

I caught up on a lot of reading, emails, and general personal stuff, which is good, and tomorrow, I'll catch up with some Shanti work.  An unanticipated three day break in the trip, which I will put to good use.  Today reminded me of a favorite Thich Nhat Hanh story which always makes me pause and smile, when I remember it.  I'll leave today's post with the quote.....

When we see a red light or a stop sign, we can smile at it and thank it, because it is a bodhisattva helping us return to the present moment. The red light is a bell of mindfulness. We may have thought of it as an enemy, preventing us from achieving our goal. But now we know the red light is our friend, helping us resist rushing and calling us to return to the present moment where we can meet with life, joy and peace.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the quote. I have been moving more slowing - both in the car and on the bike. It's interesting to practice patience. All the best, Phil
